Monday, July 4, 2016

Dignity and Definitions

I don't know which among these scenarios is the worst. Being called idealistic by someone who thinks the ugliest of things can easily turn out fine by means of words even among clashing ideologies and beliefs? Or being tagged as pessimist when you provide valid reasons as to why this person's idea won't possibly work? Or being treated awkwardly by someone as if you are the same immature person more than a decade ago  to the point of shame not considering that things, character and people change?

But I don't think I should care much as to which one is the worst. Though it reminds me that treating other people should not be based on what we think about them but on how we want to be given respect and with caution by others. There should always be dignity. And that I have to think thoroughly the meanings of words especially before attaching it to other people. Or just avoid tagging people at all since issues are different from persons and we should not be defined by how we think about a specific one. If there's only one thing that must define us all in any matters, it should be "critical" and in a positive sense. 

Having been able to experience the three just recently, it really feels bad. Or I might just be over reacting. So accept my apologies.

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