You should not be worrying about consistency if you have
strong convictions and foundation of character. But the same reason makes it
more difficult to determine your personal inconsistency since it will just be a
product for the lack of the two and noticing it is even harder.
But there are the usual suspects. I’m sure I have these moments
myself. Like those who associate themselves with people who achieve something.
They look for something in common between them and the winners trying to ride
on their laurels while doing nothing.
But if a person of the same identification as theirs will do something
humiliating, they are the first one to defend their selves by disassociating
the person from what he did and from what group they might both came from. Suddenly it’s not about the person’s roots,
educational background, family, color, gender or any other major belonging you
can think of about human beings.
But if it’s recognition that another person achieves, even
if it’s as trivial as having the same brand of underwear will be used to link
themselves to them. And I am trying to
change this behavior by remembering who I am, where I came from and who I was with before I try to do something, not after I did it. Or more so
when it’s the other people who did something which is great and I didn’t. Or you can
simplify it by thinking that every human being is capable to do things that the
other person can, given the normal conditions and situations. I said normal because there are people who are
special. Those who can do something better at one thing than any of us but
certainly have weaknesses in the other department. Just the usual.
Here's another common example. There are those who are against stereotyping
and discrimination. They usually are the “fighter” type of person who always seemed
ready to stand up for the small ones. Unfortunately,
some of them also are guilty of having these ready stereotypes on others just by the stuffs people do, have, wear,
listen, read, watch or write. Sure, there are things that really are not good
to do or to have. But there are reasons why people do some things not merely to enjoy it. Maybe to learn or to explore. But we will not know easily for sure. But we won’t touch on those since this is about consistency. It’s about being consistent against
discrimination and knowing that stereotypes are not always right and therefore
inconsistent themselves. And I am guilty
of this also.
During these times, there are many confused people. They really don't know what they want and
what they believe in so they get easily persuaded by the opinions of others.
Others have deep reason on what they stand for. But those who just follow don’t
have. So they jump from one borrowed opinion to another. So there goes the consistency
out of the window
And for sure, in the next months or years, or maybe just
later today, I will sound differently from what I do now. I hope that it’s because that I learned and
becomes better and not the usual consistently inconsistent me.